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Cohesion policy 2020+

Cohesion policy 2020+

The vast majority of EU policies have both a direct and indirect impact on regions, cities, municipalities and their socio-economic partners. The Košice region through its representation in Brussels aims to influence the drafting of European legislation as well as to enter the decision-making process and negotiations directly in Brussels and therefore to make the development of the region more efficient and faster. 

The differences in the economic performance of the Slovak regions remain high and the disparities do not diminish; on the contrary, they persist, even widen. Based on these economic indicators, Slovakia ranks among the countries with the highest economic disparities in the OECD. It is for this reason that cohesion policy is defined as a key priority of the Representation of the Košice region in Brussels. From the point of view of the Košice region, cohesion policy is a tool for bridging disparities within the regions of the EU and a means of investing in public infrastructure and the environment, of strengthening social inclusion and of improving the quality of life of its citizens. Therefore, the Košice region is ready to participate actively in all relevant discussions and negotiations concerning the nature of cohesion policy after 2020.

The priority of the Košice region as well as other regions of Slovakia is to maintain the strongest possible position of cohesion policy in the multi-annual financial framework 2021 - 2027 of the EU. This interest is presented jointly in working groups led by the Ministry of Investments, Regional development and Informatozation of the Slovak Republic as well as in the Committee of the Regions.