Science meets Parliaments, Science meets Regions
Science meets Parliaments, Science meets Regions
A pilot project initiated by the European Commission's Joint Research Center (JRC) aims to support events that bring together scientists, policy makers and citizens to explore relevant issues through scientific evidence.
The Košice self-governing region became part of the Science meets Regions, Science meets Parliaments project and on October 3 2019, in cooperation with the JRC, organized a conference entitled ´´Regions and Cities in the context of sustainable energy and climate change´´ at the Technical University in Košice.
Thanks to the conference, the national level gained a better overview of the existing capacities in the scientific community in the Košice region. The regional and local level acquired quality information and knowledge that it can apply in creating its own solutions. It also brought a good opportunity to get acquainted with the solutions, with experts, but also with possible tools that will help them in the implementation of local solutions in this agenda. The general public had the opportunity to realize and better understand the link between energy consumption, energy production and climate change, which citizens themselves can affect.
Panel discussions with representatives from the European, national and regional levels, as well as academia and the private sector, focused on analyzing lifestyles and consumer behavior related to energy needs and emissions. In addition, the conference guests shared their knowledge and experience in planning and developing the environment with regard to adaptation to climate change and presented the tools and programs available for financing change.